
The Clemson Long Range Framework Plan will be a flexible guide for future development enabling the University to respond to changing conditions and circumstances, focusing on the needs over the next five to ten years. The Framework Planning process will examine how teaching, research and outreach can be conducted on the Clemson campus.

To that end, it will explore the physical organization and facility development strategy for the campus and consider new ways of supporting the activities of the University in the ever-changing context of higher education.

In support of Clemson Forward, the University’s strategic plan, the Framework Plan will contemplate the physical improvements that will enable the University to become:

  • A national leader in learning through student-centered, evidence-based academic and global engagement;
  • Internationally known for innovation and creativity grounded in basic research and unique public-private partnerships
The place to work and learn characterized by a welcoming, inclusive, and supportive campus environment
A leading land grant university.

The Framework Plan will focus on enhancing Clemson’s special character, its distinctive “sense of place” and strong sense of community, the “Clemson Family.” The Plan will provide a framework to sustain and enrich the physical expression of Clemson’s identity. It will integrate learning, innovation, creativity, and a strong sense of community into all aspects of the campus - its landscapes, buildings, social spaces, learning and research environments, mobility systems and infrastructure networks. It will also support a sustainable approach to campus development addressing social, environmental and economic issues. It will incorporate sustainable infrastructure, fiscal responsibility, and resiliency into campus practices, networks, and structures.

It will be visionary, while building firmly upon Clemson’s rich history, traditions, essential character, and strong sense of community. It will help enhance a special, “high seminary of learning” for teaching, research, and public service aligned with changing demands of the coming decades.